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Summer is the time of year when air conditioners are most likely to develop problems of various kinds. Hopefully, you’ve already made sure that your air conditioner is as healthy as possible by scheduling preventive maintenance within the last couple months. Even if you have, however, you still need to keep an eye out for signs that your air conditioner is beginning to buckle under the pressure of keeping the home cool on a daily basis. The faster you can determine if there is a problem, the faster you can have it dealt with. One of the first signs that homeowners often notice when their air conditioner is malfunctioning is the presence of strange noises.
Your air conditioner circulates air throughout your home by way of an air handler, which is located in the system. Inside the air handler motor are a handful of lubricated bearings, which are designed to keep the system running smoothly. Over time, these bearings will wear down and the friction on the air handler motor will go up. The friction on the system will eventually reach a point where the system may start to make a loud grinding sound while it’s operating. If you hear this sound, you should call for repairs as soon as possible. If the bearings are not replaced in the system immediately, the air handler motor may burn out from the strain.
If your air conditioner is making a sound like the air being let out of a tire, then you have air bubbles in the system. Very likely in the refrigerant line, which is bad news for you. The lower the refrigerant level in the air conditioner drops because of a refrigerant leak, the less output capacity the system will have. If the leak isn’t patched, and the refrigerant replaced, the air conditioner could break down entirely.
Short cycling is when the air conditioner turns off before it can complete a full cooling cycle. This often presents as a weird sort of stop/start pattern, where the system appears to restart every couple of minutes. This is usually caused by an electrical problem and spells big trouble for the air conditioner. It prevents the system from cooling as well as it should be, but it also increases the level of wear the system is put under. The longer the air conditioner is left to short cycle, the more likely it will be to develop other problems. It will also have its lifespan shortened by up to several years if it short cycles for long enough. So, you should call for repairs as soon as you hear your air conditioner doing this.
These are just a few of the many odd noises that air conditioning problems can cause. If you hear anything strange coming from your air conditioner, make sure that you get it checked to find out if it is anything that needs repairs.
Environment Masters, Inc. offers comprehensive air conditioning repair services in Flowood, MS. If you need help with your air conditioner, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our professional technicians. We’ll make sure that your air conditioner stays healthy this summer.