“Is My Plumbing Issue an Emergency?”

It is a Saturday afternoon and you are watching your kitchen sink fill up with water on its own. There is no plug present and you’ve run the garbage disposal to make sure that there is no residue that could be stopping the water from draining. With these small troubleshooting measures done, you realize that you likely have a clogged drain on your hands.

You already know that using drain cleaning liquid isn’t in your best interest and your plunger isn’t the best type to address this blockage. Normally you’d call your local Environment Masters, Inc. plumber in Madison, MS to get this issue taken care of … but it’s Saturday. Will you really need to wait all weekend to call on Monday to get this fixed?

The answer is no, because that is what emergency plumbing services are for. But how do you know this is an emergency? We can tell you.

Emergency plumbing services are available to you for a reason: most of us can’t go multiple days without some of our home’s vital plumbing options working. Far too many people hesitate before picking up the phone to schedule that visit though because they aren’t sure if their issue is a true emergency. We want to assure you that it most likely is!

Plumbing Emergency Examples

To help you out, we want to provide you with some examples of situations that are most definitely worth a call for emergency plumbing services.

Clogged Drains

A clogged drain isn’t something you should try to solve with drain cleaning liquid and there is only so much that boiler water and vinegar being poured down the drain can do. Eventually, everyone encounters a clog whether in their shower or their kitchen sink. When this happens after business hours and you are wondering if you will have to shower at the gym, please call us. Unaddressed clogs can get worse the longer they’re around and our trained plumbers know how to take care of them quickly so you can call us over on Saturday morning and have a working shower before noon.


Leaks are sneaky. You may have noticed a small one under your sink but simply placed a bucket beneath it and promised yourself you’ll get to it on Monday. Don’t wait! Call us now because there are far too many “minor” leaks that have suddenly morphed into big messes that involve water damage. A leak is always a reason to call for emergency plumbing help.

Blocked Pipes

Contrary to what you might think, this isn’t the same as a blocked drain. Your pipes deliver, rather than siphon away, water. These pieces of plumbing can develop build-up over time that hinders the flow of water to your appliances. When this happens and your shower suddenly can’t give you more than a trickle, don’t stress about going without a rinse until Monday night. This is a situation that should definitely be addressed with emergency plumbing services.

When you are in need of expert plumbing assistance, make sure you work with the professionals at Environment Masters, Inc.

Service within hours, not days. Guaranteed. Contact Environment Masters, Inc. today to schedule your next appointment.

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