What Is a Zone Control System

Having a reliable and effective heating system for your home can be great and all, but if you have more than one person in your home, you might run into a problem with wanting different heating levels. Or you may have a room in the house that simply doesn’t need as much heating power because it sees more natural sunlight. So how to solve this issue?

Homes are built to provide comfort but that doesn’t mean that blanket heating solutions are always perfect for every home. When you have a home that requires different heating needs throughout the day, it may be a good idea to consider zone control in Madison, MS.

Wondering what a zone control system is and how it can help you enjoy improved comfort in your home? We have the answers you are looking for, so let’s get started.

What Is a Zone Control System?

When we are talking about a zone control system, we aren’t discussing another system like your heater or air conditioner. Instead, we are talking about a system that is designed to work within your ductwork system.

When you have a central forced-air system, a zone control system offers you a higher level of control over your home’s comfort than is usually possible by controlling the flow of air in the ducts. For example, your system can reduce or stop the flow of air into one room while allowing it to go unhindered into another room that requires more heat.

How Does a Zone Control System Work?

A zone control system is made up of a series of two key factors: thermostats and dampers. This system requires that a series of dampers be installed throughout the ducts in your home to effectively split up the house into zones. Each zone has its own thermostat that is paired with it that will control the dampers, along with a master thermostat that is used when you desire heating control over all ones at the same time.

Here is an example of what you might expect when you have a zone control system:

  1. You set your thermostat for Zone #1 to 68°F and you leave Zone #2 untouched.
  2. Your heater kicks on and begins heating the desired zone without impacting the other parts of the home.
  3. When Zone #1 reaches the desired temperature, your heater stops its heating cycle.

The heating system works in tandem with the zone control dampers, rather than just closing off different sections of the ducts which can actually harm your heater.

Contact the Pros for Information and Installation

Are you interested in seeing if a zone control system is a right fit for your home comfort needs? If so, make sure you reach out to a team of professionals like ours to have your questions answered. We are the best at what we do and we can give you the information you need and the installation services for a zone control system that will benefit you.

Contact Environment Masters, Inc. to learn more.

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