Improve Your Indoor Air Quality This Summer with These Systems

Staying cool shouldn’t be the only priority in your home this summer. You should also take steps to make sure that your indoor air quality is as high as possible. Poor indoor air quality can not only decrease your comfort levels but actually negatively affect your health, as well. If you want to stay as comfortable as possible during the summer months, you should try improving your indoor air quality with one of the following systems.

Air Filters

An air filter is a pretty simple system, but it’s quite good at what it does. Air filters are composed of a fiber mesh stretched across a frame, which is inserted into the ducts. Air can flow through the filter freely, but any contaminants it carries will become snared in the fibers. All you need to do to make sure the system keeps operating is replace the air filter every few months or so. Otherwise, the filter could become clogged with all the debris it collects.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are powered systems, designed to remove airborne contaminants in a number of different ways. Some of the more popular air purifier types on the market include:

  • Ionization Purifiers: An ionization purifier generates a cloud of ions during operation. Contaminants that come into contact with the ion cloud become gradually heavier until they drop out of circulation entirely. Then, the contaminants can be easily removed by cleaning the ducts.
  • UV Air Purifier: A UV air purifier doesn’t physically remove contaminants. Instead, it generates a large amount of ultraviolet light. Many kinds of germs and mold spores cannot withstand exposure to high levels of UV light, and will either be killed or sterilized upon contact. A UV air purifier is a great idea for those who are more prone to getting sick, as it lowers the chances of infections of various kinds occurring.

Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers

Humidity imbalances are the cause of all kinds of issues in homes across the country. Chronically humid air promotes mold growth and makes it more difficult for the body to cool itself. Dry air saps the moisture from both the home and its occupants, decreasing defenses against disease and making various fixtures like walls and furniture more brittle. Installing a humidifier or dehumidifier is a good idea in cases like these.

A humidifier can reintroduce moisture into the air in a number of ways, depending on the model used. Steam vaporizers evaporate water to introduce vapor into the ducts. Misters, on the other hand, simply spray a fine mist of water droplets. Dehumidifiers tend to be separated into two groups: those that use desiccants and those that use refrigerant. Desiccant dehumidifiers use materials like silica to passively absorb humidity from the air supply. Refrigerant dehumidifiers cool the air past the dew point to remove the humidity, then warm it back up to the correct temperature before circulating it. Consult with a professional to determine which one would suit your needs best.

Environment Masters, Inc. offers comprehensive indoor air quality services and systems in Jackson, MS. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert technicians.

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