Do Indoor Plants Help Improve Air Quality?

It’s easy to think of our homes as safe havens. After a long day at work or running errands, there’s no better feeling than returning to the security and comfort of home. That’s why it can be so shocking to learn that the air inside our houses might not be as clean as we think it is. In fact, it’s widely known that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air.

Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and many other pollutants like nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can infiltrate your living spaces. Unfortunately, these airborne contaminants can take a toll on your family’s health and overall sense of comfort.

If you’ve been scouring the internet for ways to improve your indoor air quality, there’s a good chance that you’ve come face to face with many different tips and tricks. For example, one piece of advice you might have been given is to fill your home with houseplants. You may have heard that indoor plants can improve air quality, which seems like a win-win for many homeowners, as greenery can be a great addition to indoor decor.

So, do indoor plants help improve air quality — or is it all just a myth? We’ll answer this question and many others in more detail below.

What Are the Signs of Poor Air Quality Indoors?

The problem with poor indoor air quality is that it can be difficult to detect. Since we can’t see the pollutants lingering in the air, it’s too easy to believe they aren’t there. Fortunately, a few telltale signs can tell us that the air in our homes isn’t as clean as we think.

So before we discuss whether or not indoor plants can improve air quality, it can be helpful to know why poor IAQ can be such a huge problem for your household.

Use this guide to learn about the most common signs of indoor air pollution:

Can Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality?

If you want to reduce indoor air pollution, you’re probably looking for the quickest and easiest solution out there. Of course, purchasing a few houseplants might seem like an ideal situation. These plants can also brighten up any space and enhance the look of your home!

So, do indoor plants help improve air quality? Unfortunately, the research that’s been conducted on this topic has produced split results.

In 1989, a NASA study was performed to see if houseplants would remove VOCs from the air inside space stations. VOCs can include formaldehyde and benzene, among many others. During this experiment, the study showed that various types of plant species (including peace lily) were successful in reducing VOCs in sealed environments such as space stations.

Although the NASA experiment seemed promising, it’s important to recognize that our homes are not small, tightly-sealed environments. There are many doors, windows, and cracks that can make it difficult for plans to remove pollution from our indoor air. Additionally, it would require a large number of plants to achieve noticeable results.

So although it’s been shown that indoor plants do help improve air quality to some extent, you aren’t likely to see a major difference by placing a few potted plants throughout your home. The good news is that there are many other ways to achieve better indoor air quality. There are various air cleaning products and services that can help you breathe easier.

How Can You Improve Air Quality Indoors?

Although some studies have shown that indoor plants can improve air quality, you should probably try using other methods if you’re looking to achieve clean, fresh air. For example, you can start small by increasing ventilation. Opening windows and using fans or exhaust fans promotes air circulation, which can reduce the number of pollutants in your home.

Are you looking for more effective solutions? Investing in professional indoor air quality services and products can play a large role in reducing air pollution in your home. For instance, air purification systems are an excellent way to purify the air in your living spaces and can remove various types of contaminants.

There are several types of whole home air purifiers that can remove up to 99% of mold, mildew, pollen, bacteria, and viruses from your home’s air. These products can be a great way to maintain clean indoor air quality in Madison for both commercial and residential spaces.

Improve Your Home’s IAQ With Environment Masters!

“Do indoor plants help improve air quality?” This simple question can have many answers depending on who you ask. When it comes down to it, you should consider investing in professional, high-quality services and products if you want to see the most improvement in your home’s IAQ.

At Environment Masters, we’re proud to offer a wide range of indoor air quality solutions to meet your needs. We specialize in everything from air purifiers to duct sealing in Madison, MS, to help you attain a comfortable and safe indoor environment.

We offer 10% off all air purification systems during a service call. Throughout the months of March and April, when spring allergies are at their worst, we also offer a FREE air purifier with every installation. You have the option to choose between a Healthy Climate 5” MERV 13 Filter & Cabinet and a UV Germicidal lamp. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

A smiling woman watering a plant on a wooden table.

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